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Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Annual Cortège

Annual Cortège at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden

Waiting for the "Annual Cortège" Annual Cortège was celebrated yesterday here in Göteborg. This Cortège (Swedish: Cortègen) is an annual carnival parade held on Walpurgis...
Step by step guide to apply for master’s studies and SI scholarship in Sweden

Introducing Sweden in a funny way

This page is dedicated to my friends in Sweden. And for those who do not live in Sweden, I hope that this helps in...
Healthy diet

Is a healthy diet enough to maintain good health?

Do you want to stay healthy? If you ask this to someone, then it is obvious to hear the positive answer. Is taking a...

Online versus real life!

Virtual media versus real life! Do you ever put this into your thought of how you are behaving on social media and how you...
Berries by Astrid

Berries by Astrid – An amazing smoothie vending machine

Can you imagine a vending machine at your workplace, university or at a shopping mall where you can select and get smoothie immediately just...