Tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is the key to increased productivity and happiness. Image from:
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is the key to increased productivity and happiness. Image from:

If you are not sure what does it mean by a healthy work-life balance, please read this article first to get used to with symptoms/signs that you are not maintaining a healthy work-life balance and how you are affecting your productivity and efficiency at work, health, and relationships.

Start and finish your work on time: Work is a never ending process.

Manage expectations and schedule your tasks properly:
Scheduling is the key to minimizing stress. Remember your achievements.

Find a way to unwind from work: Exercise or after work or joga

Eat good food:

Spend quality time with your family:  Don’t check your email at night. Read books, watch a movie together

Sleep enough hours:

Take vacations:

Don’t be afraid of changing your lifestyle:


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